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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

randomness...loving my children...

First off, let me say that I hope my last blog wasn't misinterpreted by some of my readers. I LOVE my children and I am glad that I can stay at home with them. I enjoy the time I have with them and I wouldn't change it for anything. What I don't like is what makes up the "homemaker" part of being a stay-at-home-mom. I would love to be able to spend ALL of my time concentrating on my girls and not on the cooking and cleaning aspect. I know that this is what God has in store for my life right now and that is why I do what I do.

Now that I covered that...

I had a nice afternoon out with the girls today. Sophia has croup so we haven't been able to go to any play dates lately (for fear of getting the other children sick) so yesterday I stayed in and mopped the floors (on my hands and knees - ugh!) and today the girls and I went to Chipotle for lunch. It was nice.

It's kinda funny: When I bring up the subject of going out to eat with the girls, Seth almost always says/implies that going out to eat with the girls is not an enjoyable experience...and, unfortunately, sometimes he is right but I really enjoy going out to eat with them some times. We walked around a couple shops at Del Monte Center and then sat down to eat a relatively relaxing lunch. We then went into a toy store and walked around for a few minutes. I was pretty amazed at the amount of self control that Kailee can show when she really wants to. That being said, I have no problem bribing my children -- if the time is right. :) I told them that we would go to the water fountain (a large outdoor water fountain with metal sculptures of seals and sea otter) if they were good...and they were.

I really love it when I have "moments" with my girls. I know it sounds odd but everthing just seemed perfect in those 10 minutes that we played near the water. The sun had just broke through the clouds and it was shining down on this large fountain and my girls were laughing and chasing the birds. It was quite enjoyable.

I really love my children and I pray for them all day, every day. I pray that God will put a hedge of protection around them all the days of their lives. I pray that He will open their eyes to His glory and that they will follow Him all the days of their lives. God is amazing! I can only pray that Seth and I are able to do this parenting thing the way that God would have us do that our children love and obey Him for the rest of their lives...

My mom always tells me that there is no handbook for parenting (as a way "out") but I have to disagree. The Bible tells us a lot about parenting and I am so grateful for that...really, though, Jesus was/is the ultimate example of love and compassion. Many times when I am angry with my girls or upset about the way they are acting I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that they are only on loan and that God has entrusted them into our care...AND there are many times that I just blow up and yell. Is it right? No. Am I perfect? No. I have to just keep trying...and I will -- for the rest of my life. They are soo worth it.

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