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Sunday, November 22, 2009

My newest endeavor...

I have been waiting to blog about my newest endeavor...Why? I don't really know. Better late than never, right?

For those of you who know me (really know me), you know that I have had a hard time with the whole "being a stay at home mom" thing. I never envisioned myself doing this. I thought I would go to college, get a job, get married, and... I, for the life of me, can't figure out why I never thought about where kids would fit into the picture. It's not really that I didn't envision myself having kids, I just never thought that far ahead, I guess.

I remember my mom once saying to me something along the lines of "you never really liked kids". At the time, I was shocked. I couldn't understand why she would think that. I still don't quite know but I have learned that she may have known something about me that I didn't quite know about myself. It's not that I don't/didn't like kids, it's just that after a while they start to drive me own included. Now for those of you that are reading this and may be thinking "What? Did she just say that?" Trust me...this is what many moms (especially SAHM) think...they just don't express it because of what people would think.

To me, there is nothing wrong with saying that my kids sometimes make me feel like I'm going crazy and need to just "get away" for a while. Is it their fault? Of course not. They are only 2 and 3 years old...they are just being kids. It just so happens that they dirty LOTS of clothes, make incessant messes (after I JUST cleaned it 3x!!), and they whine and cry a lot. Who in their right mind wouldn't need a break from this -- on occasion?

...and, no, my newest endeavor is not torturing my children (though it has crossed my mind....I'm just kidding, I think). :-) hahahaha

I sometimes wonder what Seth really thinks of me -- I am the wife who can't keep the house clean, the laundry sits folded on top of furniture for days waiting for the laundry fairy to put it away (as it is right now -- Where is she???), I end some days realizing it has been 2 (or dare I say 3) days since I last showered, I handle the household finances and don't always do the best job of sticking to the budget, I don't fix my hair 1/2 the time, there isn't always food available for breakfast... hmmm...I'm a HORRIBLE stay at home mom.

The only thing I do right (most of the time) is the "mom" part. I LOVE my kids but it is really overwhelming to get everything done in one day. Oftentimes I find myself at the end of the day thinking "I didn't get ____________ (insert any number of things) done again today!". So...frequently, they come first. I take them to play dates, read them books, watch (referee) them play, bake cookies with them, paint with them, etc., etc. Those days when I focus on getting the list above done, my children get on my very last nerve. There really is not a nice way of saying it. The drive me bonkers! I sweep the floor only to return to find crumbs all over it. I fold the laundry only to have Sophia (or Kailee) unfold them to try to help me fold them. I sit down to work on the budget only to have them try to crawl in my lap (mostly Sophia here) and press the "home" button on the keyboard 100x. I find myself very impatient and short with them on these days...and, at the end of the day, I find myself frustrated with, well, myself.

I have always been an entrepreneur of sorts (well, at least my mind works this way). Now, I guess the correct terminology is "mompreneur" (seriously, I didn't come up with this on my own). I know it sounds crazy since I already have so much on my plate with taking care of my family and our household but I needed something to help me "get away". Something that I could do to help contribute while at the same time having some time away from my precious, darling, angel girls (insert sarcasm). So, I decided to try an MLM/Direct Sales route (Multi-level marketing).

I am one of the odd people in this world who loves sales! I worked in sales through college and loved meeting new people from all walks of life (though there were those few that I could have definitely gone without meeting). I loved closing the deal. I loved that my pay check was a direct indicator of how well/poorly I was doing -- instant gratification, of sorts. I was pretty good at it. I WAS NOT one of those schmoozy people that talked you into buying something. I am/was one of those people that sought out your needs and tailored what I had/have to those needs. I was/am nice and friendly. That goes a long way these days. In a time when customer service is horrible almost everywhere we go, people LOVE nice and friendly. I definitely do! I will go out of my way (and even spend a little more money) to go somewhere with good customer service and friendly employees.

All of this to say that I started selling Scentsy in September. I had a friend of mine (from my mom's group here in Monterey) ask me to host a party for her and I did (wanting to help her out) not even knowing what Scentsy was. I fell in love with the product. I love scented candles!! The great thing (or so I think) about Scentsy warmers is that they don't have a flame and the wax doesn't evaporate into the air. The three biggest sellers for me were the fact that the scents smell amazing, the wax doesn't get hot enough to burn the girls, and the wax is re-usable making it a lot less expensive than regular candles. The added bonus is that the warmers look nice!

Anyway, so after doing some research (for like 2 days- haha), I decided Scentsy was for me. YAY!

More about my work from home journey/entrepreneurial failures to come. Be sure to subscribe above to get future updates...

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