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Monday, November 2, 2009


Today was a good day. :) I wasn't so sure it was going to be when I woke up to the sound of the girls at 6:30 this morning (AGAIN!). Dastardly time change! This is the first time it has ever really effected Kailee -- actually, maybe it hasn't really effected Kailee; maybe Sophia waking up early is effecting Kailee. Ugh. Either way...I don't d0 mornings. To make it all worse, we had to be at the track at 9 this morning to do intervals, plyometrics, and squats. It is a good thing I had people relying on me to be there or else I definitely would not have worked out today. All of that to say that I am glad I worked out (after the fact)...

The girls and I came home and they played, without fighting, for almost an hour!! It seems these days the girls fight over everything! Seriously...It's crazy! I was able to FINALLY get through two inboxes of emails that have been piling up on me. It is one of my biggest pet peaves to have more than a few (3-5) email in my inbox at any given time -- today I had over 40! ...and that didn't include my Scentsy inbox. YAY!

The guy came to fix the shower. The mold issue was getting completely out of hand! Even if I cleaned the shower everyday (and I most certainly did not), there was no way to keep the mold from taking over. YUCK! He had to use a wire brush to remove the existing mold...ewwww... I'm glad its gone. While he was here I was actually able to clean my house while the girls took a bath. Yes folks, they like to take loonnnggg baths; the type of bath where the water turns freezing cold and their lips turn blue -- and I still have to drag Kailee out. Oftentimes I result to bribery (did I just say that outloud?).

The icing on the cake -- I had someone watch the girls for a couple hours tonight so I could go to an OSSC meeting (my first one!). It was really nice. There were about 40 other women there (all officer's wives) and we talked about decorating -- YAY! I love my children and I love to talk about them but enough is enough already. :) It was so nice to get out and talk about something other than baby poop and play dates. I feel so refreshed.

Now I am off to get a good night's rest. I stayed up way too late last night.

Sorry for boring you guys to tears...I promise a more insightful email when my mind isn't so foggy from sleep deprivation.

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